ResinJunkie Reviews: YouTube Battle Reports

I wanted to sit down and write an article on my favourite YouTube users and sat down to write a list of the top 5. However with a list of 72 subscriptions to Wargaming related channels, narrowing it down to 5 would be very difficult.

So I’m going to break it down into a few lists. This, the first article, will focus in YouTube users creating battle report content.

On an average day I watch at least 1 or 2 Battle Reports, on a day when the creators align and there’s more available I will watch upwards of 5! So who do I think are worth watching? Let’s find out!

Channel LINK
Location – UK
StrikingScorpion82 or Luke as he goes by in his videos and his brother James (and from time to time their friends) make the best Battle Reports going. While they aren’t win at all cost players and are even sometimes loose with the rules, it’s hard to deny the quality if their output.

Everyone plays with fully painted miniatures on painted tables, it doesn’t seem like much but it sets them apart from the majority of Battle Reports out there.

What becomes immediately obvious as you begin watching the StrikingScorpion82 Battle Reports is the quality of the edit and post production. Every turn/pivotal moment is deftly scored with the familiar (to most wargamers at least) Kevin McLeod and the battles are bookended with narrative in the form of text slides.

The narrative itself is very well thought out, at the beginning of each battle a scenario is established and there are poignant quotes from the leader of each force. At the end of turns the narrative reflects what has happened that turn. For example a Guard tank squadron getting overrun but holding their position or Castellan Crowe, holding off mortal wounds with swift use of his blade.

My only complaint for StrikingScorpion82 is that while his Battle Reports are thorough they generally only show pivotal dice rolls rather than every single one. Oh and that after 4 or 5 Battle Reports you will begin to feel for James and be rooting for him!

If you like the look of StrikingScorpion82s armies, he tries to provide painting tutorials for each of them so that you can copy them. He regularly breaks down Codices and provides tactica videos as well so you can see what he is trying to achieve with each list/army.

If you only check out one YouTuber on this list make it StrikingScorpion82.

Channel LINK
Website –
Location – Canada

With their motto “We work so you can play” these guys are serious about digital content for Wargaming, so serious in fact, it’s their business. They make their living produce content through YouTube ad revenue and their paid subscription service The Vault.

The main chaps are Matt and Dave who play Tyranids and Chaos respectively. Like StrikingScorpion82 they play with fully painted models on fully painted terrain.


They have a few “series” running where different members of the team do different things “Reign of Chaos” “Beat Matt Batrep” “Ash Rep” and of course their narrative campaigns. Each video posted on YouTube has an equivalent in the vault for those willing to part with their hard earned cash.

What’s really good about these guys is seeing how into the battles they, you live the tension of every dice roll with them. You get caught up in the highs and are right there with them in the lows.

Thee bat reps are long, but this means you see everything and are good for people still learning. Either new to the game or picking up how the new editions are different. But they aren’t tournament players so don’t expect hardcore lists.

Along with their Battle Reports they do Q&A and Matt and Dave have their own shows where they talk tactics for their armies. “Shrine of Chaos” and “Shadows in the Warp”.

It’s also worth mentioning that they do, do content for more than just Games Workshop games as well with X-Wing, Infinity and WarmaHordes Battle Reports as well.

The negative for me are the pay wall, but they gotta make a living right? And the Banter Batreps, where they try so hard to rag on each other it becomes awkward as cringeworthy.

Frontline Gaming (Team0Comp)
Channel LINK
Website –
Location – US

These guys take 40k seriously, they are tournament players and even organise tournaments, so you can expect to see a lot competitive lists. Which can sometimes mean cheesy spam lists, but its great it you’re wanting to see what lists are going down on the competitive scene.

All of the Batreps are based around their own missions devised for their events so it can be different to what you see other YouTube users putting out. Unlike the previous 2 entries there armies are not always full painted, if they are its not always to the best standard. When it is they are pushing their Painting Service, but the guys have got to eat right!?


These guys stay up to date, when a new codex is released they will run a series of battle reports with it and wade in giving their first look previews etc. Its a good source of what you can do competitively with your new Codex.

My only complaint for Frontline Gaming is that their bat reps are a little on the shorter side usually clocking in around 15-20 minutes, however they are great for a lunch time watch if you happen to be in a job where you can watch at YouTube at lunch.

Special mention goes to their Battle Mats which if you watch Battle Reports on YouTube I’m sure you will have a bunch of people are starting to use. While the product seems to be selling well, that’s not the reason I bring it up. I bring it up for the amazingly low budget adverts for them that appear in their BatReps, they have a certain charm. “Like a ballerina through hot butter!”



This article became longer than I expected it too, if there’s interest I will continue to review YouTube Battle Report creators and as I mentioned I want to do a similar article for the hobby side of it as well!

Let me know if you have any recommendations for hobbyist or Battle Report channels!

– ResinJunkie


4 responses to “ResinJunkie Reviews: YouTube Battle Reports

  1. I’d throw in Adequate Wargamers as well. I think they still have a ways to go but the bat reps are definitely making progress. This channel does have adult language though. I like it because it’s exactly like when I play with my friends.

  2. Basement Batreps, 40kBerlinGaming, BellofLostSouls, BlueTablePainting, d3plus1, IDICBeer, WW40k Australia – all of those have good, somewhat irregular Batreps. I agree that the 3 channels mentioned in your article are the best ones, followed by BTP bat reps

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