Da Ork Kummuniti’

As a player who has spent most of his 40k life playing  some form of Power armour (Space Marines, GK, Chaos Space Marines) or Loyalists IG I recently had an overwhelming desire to paint some Orks, with a view to maybe starting a new army.

So I jumped on r/warhammer40k and started a post asking what was worth taking in the new books and received an overwhelming amount of information. You can see the post HERE. A special shout out for Kaptain-Bluddflagg who took the time to write a HUGE reply to this with a break down as well on the myriad of formation available for the Orks.

So content with having enough information on the Codex and knowing I wanted to make a small force I started a couple of test Orks.

I decided I wanted to do something different with my Orks and have settled on a very bright, very vivid Orange:


So to show the people on r/warhammer40k I signed up to imgur and upload the above image, I’m pretty clueless as to all these new social media sites and didn’t realise so many people used imgur and a whole host of people commented on it.

Then this happened:

Orky comments

What can I say that but WAAAGGGHHHHH!!!!! This was so amazing! I joined in and it was a blast!

So whats the point of this post? Well the point is to say of all the armies I’ve collected none have a community like this, none have the same sense of humour and camaraderie and I’ve only been a part of it for 3 days!

Thank you all for making me feel so welcome! Now I’m gonna go work some more on my Warband and practice my bellowing of WWAAGGGHHHHH!!!!!



5 responses to “Da Ork Kummuniti’

  1. Another great ork community is

    The nice thing about ork players, is we have always known we don’t have a top competitive codex. With so many random elements at play, it’s hard to build a list that is ultra competitive. Competitive? Sure…winning tournaments? Not at the top tier level.

    Because of that, and because of the random wacky nature of the orks, the type of people that gravitate them, are all about fun and enjoying themselves.

    You’ll always find zany and wacky ork lists, with wonderful conversions, and games that play out completely differently then you expect.

    Orks were my first army, and still my favorite. They never seem to lose that fun nature about them, and create stories every time you play.

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